Select your category and follow the steps to become a Cardinal.
This is the 应用程序 for students coming directly from high school or students with no college credits completed. Students completing college credit courses while in high school, 比如双学分或AP课程, 会使用这个应用程序.
步骤1: 提交申请.
创建一个 GoUIW帐户 然后提交申请. 你也可以使用 常见的应用程序, 申请德州 or Scoir.
成绩单可以以PDF格式通过电子邮件发送到 admissiondocs@uiwtx.edu 或邮寄实体副本至:
百老汇大街4301号,CPO 285号
This year, submission of standardized test 分数 is optional. If you are submitting test 分数, an official report must be received from the testing center. You can request your score be sent to UIW by listing our code when you register for the exam. (我们SAT的代码是6303,ACT的代码是4106.)
步骤4: Submit additional 应用程序 documents (if applicable).
- G.E.D. 分数(如适用). If you have achieved the General Equivalency Diploma, an official score report must be submitted.
- AP/成就或CLEP考试成绩(如果参加)
- 双学分成绩单(如有)
Apply for financial aid beginning in December 2023 for the Fall 2024 semester to qualify for state, 联邦和大学助学金(uw FAFSA代码: 003578).
This is the 应用程序 for students transferring from another college, 攻读第二学位的学生, 临时学生和非学位学生.
步骤1: 创建一个 GoUIW帐户 提交申请并在UIW保存文件.
步骤2: Submit official transcripts from each institution attended. Students with fewer than 24 college credit hours are also required to submit an official high school transcript (with SAT or ACT 分数) or official G.E.D. 分数. If you are unable to get a PDF copy of your transcripts at the moment, 我们的招生顾问会帮你的. 请与招生办公室联系 (210) 829-6005.
步骤3: 提交推荐信(可选). Letters of recommendation are suggested, but not required, for a decision.
Transcripts and Letters of Recommendation can be emailed in a PDF format to admissiondocs@uiwtx.edu 或邮寄实体副本至:
百老汇大街4301号,CPO 285号
This 应用程序 is for students seeking a master's or doctoral degree including non-degree seeking students. 国际学生应遵循 国际招生 申请过程.
步骤1: 确定学习计划和学位水平.
步骤2: 验证程序的申请截止日期. 大多数课程全年接受申请. 然而,你应该 向研究生招生处咨询 以确定您的程序是否有截止日期.
步骤3: 开始应用程序. 申请可在网上完成.
- 第一次使用:创建帐户以启动新应用程序. If you have completed a UIW degree and are seeking a second degree, you must complete a new 应用程序 as a first-time user.
- 返回用户:登入完成申请.
步骤4: 提供其他文件以完成申请. 确定哪些其他文档, including transcripts from all colleges and universities attended and standardized test 分数, 必须完成你的申请.
项目可通过电子邮件提交至 admissiondocs@uiwtx.edu 或邮寄至:
百老汇大街4301号,CPO 285号
了解更多信息, see the graduate admission requirements for your program of interest or contact 通过电子邮件录取研究生.
Note: ETS also offers a GRE General Test at-home option in addition to testing centers. 欲了解更多信息,请访问 ETS GRE普通家庭考试.
步骤5: Wait to receive notice regarding your 应用程序 status!
- When the Graduate Admissions Office receives a completed 应用程序, it is submitted to the appropriate program director for evaluation and review. Each department makes a final recommendation for admission.
- The Vice President of Enrollment Services will notify the applicant by mail or email regarding 应用程序 status.
- 一旦接受了, students will be assigned a program advisor who provides academic advising and information to complete registration.
验收后, 遵循以下步骤.
Find more information on how to apply as an international student at the 国际招生页面. This 应用程序 is for new and returning students that are neither U.S. 公民或永久居民.
This 应用程序 is for new and returning students seeking a degree in the School of Professional Studies in an accelerated format online or in-person at the undergraduate, 研究生或博士水平.
步骤1: 提交一个 应用程序 (不收取申请费). Application deadline is the Sunday one week prior to the term start date.
步骤2: Request your official transcripts from all previous universities and colleges attended after you have submitted an 应用程序. 发送到:
4301百老汇CPO 285号
Universities and colleges may send electronic transcripts to admissiondocs@uiwtx.edu. (学校代码:6303)
步骤3: 请填写 FAFSA.
步骤4: 向学术顾问咨询.
步骤5: 注册 类的.
步骤6: 参加在线培训.
第七步: 启动类!
For Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) program admissions requirements click here.
Click through our five Health Profession Schools to review their 申请过程.
Students coming from high school or students with no college credits completed
Transfer, second degree, transient and non-degree seeking students
新生和归国学生既不是美国人,也不是美国人.S. 公民或永久居民
New and returning students seeking a School of Professional Studies degree in an accelerated format online or in-person
Previous UIW students seeking to be readmitted to complete an undergraduate degree
Previous UIW graduate and doctoral students seeking to be readmitted to complete a graduate degree
Previous UIW students seeking to be readmitted to the School of Professional Studies to complete a degree online or in-person
Active-duty military service members and veterans can choose from UIW's degree programs including those offered 100% online or in-person. The UIW 军人和退伍军人 Center guides you with the steps to utilize your educational benefits.
Students who are active-duty military service members using tuition benefits 遵循以下步骤 to apply to UIW.
Students using veteran benefits for personal use or for dependents 遵循以下步骤 to apply to UIW.
Average amount of scholarships and grants awarded to a full-time, first-time freshman